Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Iterum 9/2

  • Pick up your portfolio from the crate.
    • We will discuss general feedback/grading items after warm-up & prayer.
    • If you have personal portfolio questions, please see me after class or after school.
  • p. 27, Exercise B, #1, 5, & 10
Prayer Before Class
·         Ave Maria
o    I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.

Portfolio Feedback
  • Well done, Avg = 87
  • Stories - Make good corrections when we go over stories in class.
  • Jargon - Make sure that you copy definitions and examples exactly.
  • Reflection - Must be a paragraph, at least 3-5 sentences.
  • Follow ALL directions!
    • If you skip some of the directions, your assignment will be incomplete.
    • Make sure your Portfolio tabs are in the correct order:
      • Warm-ups
      • Stories
      • Jargon
      • Reflections
      • Choices
      • Notes
      • Tests & Quizzes

·         Choices must be in the Portfolio in order to be graded.
·         If you have personal questions about your portfolio grade, please see me after class or after school.
·         Next Portfolio Check: 9/12
o    The Choices sheet is in the files section of the website/google folder.
o    Complete your Cover Sheet as we go.

Nota Bene
·         Examen I Review due Thursday at the beginning of class.
·         Examen I - Monday 9/8
·         Extra Reviews:
o    Thursday, 9/4 after class (3:10-4:05)
o    Monday, 9/8 before school (7:20-8:15)
§  Participating in the review earns Extra Credit on test
§  Make sure you discuss attending with your parents/ride
·         1st Latin Club meeting Thursday at lunch
o    We will provide snacks.
o    Elections will be held.
·         Choose a character -Caecilius, Metella, or Grumio/general slave - and write and/or illustrate a diary entry/ ‘day in the life’ using the information from Stages 1 & 2.
o    Include rooms, clothes, & meals
·         Most people chose Grumio because of the role he played in many of our stories up until now, but don’t forget what a typical Roman father & mother (in a wealthy family) would do on an average day.
o    You may want to re-read pp. 10-16 & 30-32

Latin Phrase of the Day
·         Manus manum lavat.
o    One hand washes the other.
o    Roughly equivalent to “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.”
·         Used to describe the relationship between clientes and patronus.
o    How did patrons help clients?
§  Small gifts of money
§  protection/help (usually legal help)
o    How did clients help patrons?
§  political support
§  They would spread the word that he was a good patron, attend dinner parties with important guests, help him to be elected
§  might be employed by the patron

  • ·         Complete your Examen I Review (due at the beginning of class)
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices II

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