Monday, September 8, 2014

Iterum 9/8

Nota Bene
  • Test moved to Wednesday.
    • Extra Review Wed. morning
Prayer Before Class
·         Ave Maria
o   I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.

·         Good work speaking and listening!

·         Please turn to p.36

Phrases of the Day
·         e pluribus unum
o   one out of many
·         novus ordo seclorum
o   a new order for the ages
o   originally a reference to the Roman golden age
·         annuit coeptis
o   he approves our undertaking
§  Bonus: diphthong – two vowels that make one sound
·         E.g. –ey in Riley J

Romani Salientes Fabae
·         Great work distinguishing between nominative and accusative cases!

·         Read pp. 43-48

·         Use this time to work on your Portfolio choices (or study for test on Wednesday)

Free Time!
·         You earned free time. J

·         Work on Portfolio Choices

·         Prepare for test

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