Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Iterum 9/16

  • CSCP website activity sorting words by declension.
Prayer Before Class
  • Ave Maria
    • I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.
  • Make sure to update your cover page before you turn in the portfolio.
  • If you are submitting workbook pages, mark them.
  • Follow directions!
  • Next check - 9/26
Legimus - “Tonsor”
  • Please turn to p. 39
  • Let’s review the comprehension questions.
  • Read the 12 Labors of Hercules on the Perseus website.
  • Finish reading the 12 Labors for homework.
Latin Phrase of the Day
  • Latin proverb: “clavam extorquere Herculi”
    • to wrest the club from Hercules
    • Used to describe an impossible task that demands great courage as well as impossible strength
    • Synonymous with “to take the thunderbolt from the hands of Jupiter”
Legimus - “Vēnālīcius
  • Please turn to p. 40.
  • Follow along with me as I read the Latin aloud.
·         Read the remaining 12 Labors

·         Work on Portfolio Choices

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