Thursday, September 4, 2014

Iterum 9/4

·         Place your Examen I Reviews in the black box.
·         Textbook p. 33, Exercise A

Prayer Before Class
·         Ave Maria
o    I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.

Examen I Review
  • Place your Examen I Reviews in the black box.
  • Work on the Roman Clothing handout while I check your Reviews for completion.
  • Let’s go over the review together.
  • The format of the test will be essentially the same, although each section may vary in length.
    • On the translation section, choose 3 sentences to translate.
    • For the Reading Comprehension section the story will be different from those we have translated together in class.
Examen I Concepts
  • Vocabulary: Stages 1 & 2 Checklists
  • Jargon: macron, ending, case, nominative case, accusative case
  • Charts: nominative vs. accusative
  • Sentence Analysis: identifying case
  • Translation: Any sentence or story in Stages 1 & 2
  • Reading Comprehension: A story roughly equivalent to those we have read in Stage 2
  • Culture: Textbook pp. 10-16, 30-32, anything about daily life learned from the stories, phrases of the day, notes
Annotation “In Triclinio”
·         We checked the annotation for “In Triclinio”

Latin Phrase of the Day
·         ab ovo usque ad mala
o    from eggs to apples
o    Written by the Roman poet, Horace, around 40 BC (during the reign of Augustus)
o    describes the courses of the Roman dinner
·         transferred to mean “from beginning to end”
o    ‘ab ovo’ (from the egg) by itself is used to mean “from the beginning”
o    but it actually refers to Helen of Troy’s birth from an egg (because Zeus had appeared to her mother as a swan)

·         Prepare for test

·         Work on Portfolio Choices

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