Friday, September 26, 2014

Iterum 9/26

Prayer Before Class
·         Our Father
Vocab Check III
  • Clear your desks of everything except a pen/pencil.
    • Remember, Vocab Checks are taken under quiz conditions (NO TALKING, even if you have finished).
  • When you have turned in your Vocab Check, please complete p. 59, Exercise E, #5-7.
Legimus - “In Basilica” p. 58
·         Let’s summarize “In Basilica”
·         In your group, prepare a “playlet,” a dramatic reading and enactment of the story.
·         The number you wrote down earlier determines your role in the play:
o    1. Caecilius
o    2. Hermogenes
o    3. iudex
o    4. amicus (and director in group of 4)
o    5. Director


·         In the reflection section of your portfolio, answer one of the following questions (at least 3 sentences):
    • What was my favorite/least favorite thing about Latin in the past 2 weeks? Why?
    • How did my portfolio choices prepare me for class in the past 2 weeks? Can I improve the way that I am using portfolio choices?
    • How did the class activities affect my understanding of Latin in the past 2 weeks? Is there another kind of activity that I might find more useful?
·         What is a verb?
o   An action word
·         English Verbs vs. Latin Verbs
o   English verbs need a separate word in the sentence to express the subject.
o   Latin verbs can use endings (AKA personal endings) to express the subject
§  Often there will also be a separate word for the subject, but it is not necessary.
·         Personal Endings:
Example Verb
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

  • Personal Ending – a verb ending that tells which “person” is doing the action of the verb
    • 1st person – I/we
    • 2nd person – you/y’all
    • 3rd person – he/she/it/they

VI Degrees of Separation
·         We played 6 Degrees of Separation to practice the concept of degrees for people
o   If we were to link me to your brother/sister:
§  Step 1: I/me (1st person)
§  Step 2: you (2nd person)
§  Step 3: he/she (3rd person)


·         Keep studying your vocab for at least 5 minutes every day!

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