Thursday, September 18, 2014

Iterum 9/18

Prayer Before Class
  • Ave Maria
    • I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.

  • Complete one of the following activities to summarize your favorite labor.
    • Draw a picture (or short series of pictures) to illustrate the labor.
    • Write an account of the labor from the point of view of one of the characters.
    • Write a dialogue between Hercules and a prominent character from the labor.
  • How should we summarize the most important things about Hercules?
    • He beats everything with his club.
    •  He makes the impossible possible.
    • Brave
    • penitent/reconciliation/atonement
    • good work ethic – he stuck with it
      • No one could make him, he’s Hercules
      • A lot of his labors were pointless
    • goes to the underworld and comes back (something very few heroes, and not even all of the gods, could do)
      • Really he goes everywhere in the known world and back
      • Where he goes, he affects geography – Italy, straits of Gibraltar, etc.
    • becomes immortal
    • nice guy, sorry, devout
    • not very intelligent
  • Did Hercules live “happily ever after?”
    • He did – people are rewarded for working hard and trying to make things better
    • He marries Hebe, the goddess of forgiveness

Legimus - “Vēnālīcius
  • Please turn to p. 40.
  • Follow along with me as I read the Latin aloud.
    • In your table group, sort the sentences from “Vēnālīcius” so that they are in the correct order of the story.
      • Make sure that you print out the photo and put it in your portfolio.

Circum Orbem Terrarum
  • ·        Clear your desk of everything except a piece of paper and a pen.

  • ·        Work on Portfolio Choices.
  • ·        Print out Venalicius Sorting Activity for the stories section of your Portfolio.

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