Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Iterum 9/10

Prayer Before Class
·         Ave Maria

Examen I
  • Great work!
    • Thank you for maintaining a silent testing environment.
  • Turn to pp. 38-39 in your textbook.
    • Read the “tonsor” story to yourself
    • Answer the comprehension questions on p. 39. Put this in the Stories section of your Portfolio.
      • Answer all questions in complete sentences. (Answer in English unless the questions direct you otherwise.)
Vocabulary Game
·         We had fun playing a game to review Stage 3 Vocab.
·         Thank you – tibi gratias ago (or just “gratias” for short)
·         ianua = door
o   from the Roman god Janus who had 2 faces, 1 on the front and 1 on the back of his head
o   January and janitor are derivatives
Legimus - “Pictor”
·         Please turn to p. 37
·         Discuss & summarize the story so far with the people at your table group.
·         In the Stories section of your portfolio, write out a literal translation for lines 9-14.
o    We will finish this next class.

·         Portfolio Check next class.

o   Make sure that you have 4 complete choices and that your Cover Sheet is prepared.

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