Thursday, August 28, 2014

Iterum 8/28

  • CSCP website, Stage 2, Practicing the Language, Cases 1
    • You have been sent an email with your login information.
    • OptimÄ“!
      • You did a great job with the grammar!
      • Thank you also for being patient with technology.

Prayer Before Class
·         Ave Maria
o    I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.

·         At the end of class, be sure to put your portfolio in one of the red crates.

  • Test Monday, 9/8 - Examen I
  • Examen I Review due 9/4
    • I will post this this weekend
  • Extra Reviews
    • Thursday, 9/4 after class (3:10-4:05)
    • Monday, 9/8 before school (7:20-8:15)
    • Participating in the review earns Extra Credit on test

·         Please turn to p. 22

“In Triclinio” preview
·         Let’s take a look at “In Triclinio” on p. 25
Annotation Page “In Triclinio”

·         NEVER write English definitions or translations on your annotation page!
o   If you write English, you won’t look at the Latin anymore.
o   I will recycle it and you will need to start over.
·         Color-coding Annotation
·         Circle the verb in red
·         Underline the nominative (doer) in red
·         Underline the accusative (receiver) in orange
Free Time
·         You had the 5 minutes of free time left from Tuesday.

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