Sunday, August 24, 2014

Iterum 8/24

  • On a piece of loose-leaf in your warm-up section:
  • Complete the Practicing the Language on p. 9
    • Exercise A, #2, 3, & 5
    • Exercise B, #1 & 2
Prayer Before Class
  • Ave Maria
    • Next week, you will start taking turns leading the class in this prayer.
    • After everyone has had a chance to lead the prayer, we will have a quiz over it.

Vocab Check I
  • Vocab Checks are to be taken under quiz conditions.
    • No talking
    • Keep your eyes on your own paper
    • Keep your paper covered.
  • When you have finished your Vocab Check
    • Re-read 13-16.
    • Study the plan of a Roman house on p. 13.
Nota Bene
·         Talking during a quiz for any reason other than to ask me a question is unacceptable.
o   You will receive a demerit if you talk during a quiz or test.
·         ALL of your time in Latin class should be spent on Latin!!
o   There are always assignments on the board after quizzes/tests.
§  If you finish an assignment early, you should still be doing something for Latin class!
o   Some suggestions for Latin to do when you are finished with the current assignment:
§  Portfolio Choices (the more of these you do in class, the less homework you have to do)
§  Study Vocabulary
§  Re-read Latin stories from the current (or previous) stages
§  Read one of the Latin or Roman culture books from the bookshelf.
  • Documents on website.
    • We reviewed these in detail in class.
  • Check every 2-3 weeks
    • First Check: 8/28
    • Do it in your own time
      • Don’t wait until the night before it is due!
      • Don’t forget to work on some Latin every day (even just quick vocab study)
  • Choose no more than one assignment from each category.
    • Complete 4 choices (in addition to classwork)
·         Questions???
o    If you still have questions, feel free to email or come see me during tutorial times.

·         We read “Cerberus” on p. 7

·         Macron- a line over a vowel that shows that the vowel is long (changes pronunciation and sometimes function) e.g. –ā

  • You have seen that Latin sentences with the word est can have the same word order as English.
    • Metella est māter.
      • Metella is the mother.
    • Canis est in viā.
      • The dog is in the street.
·         Usually Latin word order is different from English.
o    Canis in viā dormit.
§  The dog is sleeping in the street.
o    Servus in culīnā labōrat.
§  The slave is working in the kitchen.

  • Verbs can be translated more than one way.
    • dormit = is sleeping, sleeps
    • labōrat = is working, works
    • sedet = is sitting, sits

  • In the reflection section of your portfolio, answer one of the following questions (at least 3 sentences):
    • What are my goals for Latin class and what can I do to reach them?
    • What was my favorite/least favorite thing about Latin this week? Why?
    • What is the most interesting thing I learned in Latin class (or from portfolio choices) this week? Why?
Roman House
·         We watched a video of a Roman house. You can watch the video again and check out lots of pictures of Roman houses on the Cambridge website online activities for Stage 1:^oa_unit1^stage1 

·         Work on Portfolio Choices

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