Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Iterum 8/20

  • Answer the following questions on a sheet of loose-leaf in your “Warm-up” section of your binder. (You may work together with your table group.)
    • When and where did Caecilius live?
    • What are the three parts of a Roman name?
    • What were Metella’s responsibilities?
    • Who was Eumachia and why was she well known in Pompeii?
Prayer before Class
  • Ave Maria
  • Please take out your textbooks and open them to p. 2.
  • Follow along with me as I read these sentences aloud. Use the pictures to help you understand the story.
  • Re-read the odd numbered sentences with your table group.
Circum orbem terrarium
·         Eugē!
·         Your portfolio is like a scrapbook or photo album of your first year of Latin.
o   You choose which assignments you want to complete and put in your portfolio.
o   Your portfolio will be as unique as you are.
·         It is very structured, but its biggest purpose is to allow you to choose the assignments that are best for you.
o   Choose assignments that:
§  ...interest you.
§ reflect your strengths.
§ you to improve.
§ into your schedule.
§ enjoy.
·         Portfolio Vital Statistics
o   Always have access to your portfolio in class!
o   60% is classwork
o   40% is homework
o   Due every 2-3 weeks
o   Portfolio = 25% of quarter grade
·         Portfolio Section I: In Class
o   Stories
§  Much of Latin class is about reading stories. J
§  You will keep track of the important details of the stories we read in your portfolio.
§  You should have a tab for “Stories” inside your portfolio.
o   Jargon
§  Special vocabulary to help you understand Latin
§  Jargon will help to keep us all on the same page
§  You will be keeping a Jargon glossary in your portfolio for easy reference during class.
§  You should have a tab for “Jargon.”
o   Reflections
§  At the end of every week you will have time in class to think and write about your Latin journey.
§  You should have a tab for “Reflections” inside your portfolio.
§  All of the “in class” assignments are required. If you are absent during any in class assignments, it is your responsibility to check the blog (and maybe come for tutorial) and make up your work.
·         Portfolio Section II: Choices
o   The Portfolio Choices sheet is a lot like a menu at a restaurant: you can pick what you want to eat.
§  You can’t always have dessert, sometimes you have to eat some vegetables.
§  You have to order from the menu, you can’t go to a burger place and expect Chinese food.
o   The “at home” assignments are your choice.
o   For each Portfolio period you will have a “Portfolio Choices” handout with a list of possible assignments divided into 6 categories.
§  Vocabulary
§  Sentence Analysis
§  Chart Practice
§  Culture           
§  Translation
§  Derivatives
o   Each assignment should only take about 15-30 minutes to complete, no matter what category.
o   You may choose 1 assignment from each category for a total of 4 assignments.
§  You don’t need to choose an assignment from EVERY category.
o   You should have a Google folder for “Choices” inside each portfolio check folder.
o   Think of choosing your portfolio assignments like choosing your lunch in the cafeteria.
·         You probably wouldn’t go to the Mexican line and get tacos, burritos, and fajitas.  You would usually pick 1 of the 3.
·         In addition, you don’t have to eat Mexican every day.  You could get pizza or a hamburger instead.
·         Your “Portfolio Choices” handout is like your menu.
§  Vocabulary
·         Vocabulary assignments generally involve studying flashcards.
·         Whatever your method of vocabulary study, it works best if you do a little every day, rather than cram.
·         You are responsible for all vocabulary from the lessons we cover, whether or not you choose vocabulary assignments for your portfolio.
§  Sentence Analysis
·         Sentence Analysis assignments are grammar practice worksheets.
§  Chart Practice
·         Much of Latin knowledge is neatly arranged into charts.
·         You are responsible for all charts from the lessons we cover, whether or not you choose chart practice assignments for your portfolio.
§  Culture
·         One of the great things about studying Latin is studying Romans at the same time!
·         Culture choices could be worksheets or mini projects.
·         Use your imagination to explore the Roman world!
§  Translation
·         Reading Latin is the top priority of Latin class.
§  Derivatives
·         Latin can help you with English!
·         Science terms and SAT words (and many more) come from the Latin vocabulary you will be learning.
·         Review
o   When should you have access to your portfolio to class?
§  Every day!
·         We add to the portfolio every day in class.
o   How often will you have a portfolio check?
§  About every 2-3 weeks.
§  Your first portfolio check will be 8/28
·         How can you find out when it is due?
o   It is at the top of your “portfolio choices” document
o   It is on the assignments calendar
o   It is on the blog ;)
o   How many choice assignments do you need to include in your portfolio?
§  4
§  No more than 1 of each color
  • Read pp. 13-16
  • Pick a portfolio choice to complete!
  • Don’t forget the vocab check on Friday.

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