Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Iterum 8/26

  • Re-read the “Cerberus” story on p. 7 to answer these questions (on a piece of loose-leaf).
    • Where are the characters at the beginning (1st paragraph) of the story?
    • What is Grumio doing in the kitchen?
    • Why does Cerberus enter the kitchen?
    • Why does Grumio get mad at Cerberus?
    • Choose an adjective to describe Cerberus. Choose an adjective to describe Grumio.
Prayer Before Class
·         Ave Maria
o    I will call on a student to lead us in the prayer.

Vocabulary Check Debrief
·         Optime! - Avg. = 100+
·         Please always read and follow ALL directions.
o    If it says choose 6, please choose 6 and leave 2 blank.
·         Remember, Vocabulary Checks in the future will be unannounced.
o    Vocab Checks will cover vocabulary from recent stories as well as Stage Vocabulary Checklist words.
o    Vocab Checks may also include words from previous Stages.

·         Please turn to p. 20
o   Good catch noticing that Caecilium in #2 is different from Caecilius in #1!

“Mercātor” p. 24
·         Let’s take a look at “Mercātor” on p. 24
·         Complete the “Mercātor” worksheet with your table group.
o    This worksheet should be in the Stories section of your Portfolio.

  • Ending - the last few letters of a Latin word. The ending is the most important part of a Latin word! The ending of a word will help you to determine what that word is doing in a sentence.

  • Case - endings for nouns (and adjectives and pronouns) are called cases
  • Nominative case – the ending that tells you that the noun is the “doer” of the sentence. This case is used for subjects (and predicates).
    • E.g. Metella, Caecilius, Mercātor
    • Metella Grumiōnem laudat.
      • Metella praises Grumio.
  • Accusative case – the ending that tells you that the word is receiving the action of the verb. This case is used for direct objects (and objects of some prepositions).
    • E.g. Metellam, Caecilium, Mercātorem
    • Amicus Metellam salūtat
      • The friend greets Metella.

Free Time
·         You earned your 10 minutes of free time!
o   We only had 5 minutes at the end of class, so I owe you 5 minutes next time. Don’t be afraid to remind me politely.

·         Read pp. 30-32
·         Complete your Portfolio Cover Sheet and make sure that your portfolio is ready for Thursday!
o    By the end of class today you should be ready to complete any choice on the list.
o    Remember that you can ask for help before or after school (and by email).
o    If you don’t feel comfortable with a certain choice, choose something else!

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