Monday, August 18, 2014

Iterum 8/18

  • Put your signed syllabus acknowledgment forms in the black basket labeled “Latin I.”
    • Place your box of tissues next to the basket.
    • If you forgot your tissues or syllabus form, please bring it Wednesday.

·        Please answer these questions on a sheet of loose-leaf paper. (Please make sure that your name is on your paper and that it is dated.)
o   Why did you choose Latin?
o   What is your famous Latin quote? Why did you choose it?
·        Thank you for completing the survey!
·        I hope to use the information to make Latin class more tailored to your needs.
o   Keep in mind that everyone’s needs differ, so
·        As the year progresses, please feel free to share your learning preferences and ideas to improve the class with me.
·        Survey Results:
o   More dog people than cat people.
o   Blue is the predominant favorite color.
o   Best desert island supplies: duct tape & water purifier.
o   Best favorite words: Legit, What
o   Some people are distracted by noise but some are distracted by quiet.

Helpful Latin Phrases
·         Magistra = teacher
·         Discipuli = students
·         Salvete, discipuli!
o   Salve = hello to  one person
·         Ita Vero = heck yes!
·         Non = no!
·         Valete = Goodbye
o   Vale = goodbye to one person
·         Testudo = “turtle,” a military formation wherein soldiers group together and cover all sides (including their heads) with their shields in order to be protected from arrows, spears, etc.

Latin Club
  • Consider joining Latin Club
    • If you are interested in being an officer, please come talk to me.

  • Grading
    • 60% Major grades = tests, quizzes, projects
    • 25% Portfolios
    • 15% Check-ins = Warm-ups, Vocab Checks (unannounced), WSQ, etc.
      • Students should expect at least 1 check-in every week.
      • First Vocab Check on Friday over Stage 1.
    • Daily study is necessary
      • Study Latin at least 10 minutes per day!
  • Per aspera ad astra
    • Seneca
  • Website
    • Blog = daily recap of class activities, notes, assignments
    • Calendar = due dates, quiz dates, test dates
    • Google Drive = access to assignments
    • You must check the website for missed work when you miss class for any reason!
  • Missed test, quiz, or check-in:
    • You must make up within one calendar week.
    • If you do not, you will receive a 0 for the assessment and then it will default to retest rules.
  • Failing a test:
    • If you fail a test or quiz, you are required to schedule a tutorial outside of class and to make test corrections.
    • You will receive half credit back on test corrections with a maximum grade of 74.
      • If your original test grade was between 70-73 you are also welcome to make test corrections to recover credit.
  • Tutorials
    • Come see me when you have questions/ want extra clarification!
    • Before or after school A Days (by appointment)
    • Make appointment and use it wisely
  • Late Work – Check-ins:
    • Work that is not submitted on time (or within one week of absence) will receive a zero.
    • Late assignments will be accepted with a Homework Pass up to 3 times per semester.
      • The maximum grade for a late homework with a pass is 80.
    • The Homework Passes can also be used to redo a check-in with a score lower than 80.
  • Late Work – Portfolios:
    • Portfolios lose 10 points per school day late.
    • If submitting a late portfolio on an E day, please give it to Mr. Goertz in 211 before or after school.
    • You must use a homework pass to submit a late portfolio.

·         Respect
o   Respect the classroom.
§  Use classroom materials gently since we all share them
§  Clean up after yourself (use the recycle bins)
o   Respect/be considerate of one another.
§  Allow each other to speak without interruption or judgment
o   Respect the teacher
§  Do not talk while the teacher is talking
§  Follow directions
§  Do not pack up or leave until you are dismissed
·         Carpe Diem
o   = “Harvest the day”
o   Be prepared!
§  Have your Portfolio & Latin book every day
§  Have Latin materials only on desk
o   Participate!
§  Make each class count!
§  Own your Latin education!
·         Communicate
o   Voice questions or concerns
o   Let me know when there is something going on
§  If a ninja steals your portfolio, call me ASAP because that probably means that there is a Latin-hating ninja out there planning to target your fellow classmates.
o   Use technology appropriately.
o   No cell phones during tests or quizzes.
o   Stay on-task during class.
o   If you use your devices inappropriately, they may be confiscated.

·         Cave Canem
o   Beware of dog!
§  Don’t be afraid of me.  I’m not going to bite you.
o   You listed a lot of scary things!
§  Winner:
·       Being trapped in a room with no doors, covered in lizzards, creepy sounds are playing, then the ceiling caves in, spiders and rat tails fall from the sky, then you get kidnapped and die.
§  Latin definitely is NOT the scariest thing in the world!
§  Don’t be afraid of Latin!
·         We’re all going to learn from each other and we’re all going to make mistakes, so don’t worry.
·        Bring in tissues or syllabus acknowledgement if you forgot.
·        Label your portfolio tabs.

    • Warm-ups
    • Stories
    • Jargon
    • Reflections
    • Choices
    • Notes
    • Tests & Quizzes
·        Read pp. 10-12

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