Monday, December 1, 2014

Iterum 12/1

  • Textbook p. 112, Exercise B, ODDS only
    • Concepts we reviewed in the warm-up:
      • dominus vs. dominum
        • dominus is in the nominative case
          • the nominative case is used for the “doer” of the action (i.e. subject)
        • dominum is in the accusative case
          • the accusative case is used for the “receiver” of the action (i.e. direct object)
      • agricola vs. agricolae & senex vs. senēs
        • agricola & senex are both singular
        • agricolae & senēs are both plural
          • Subjects must agree with verbs in number. (If the verb is singular, the subject must be singular and vice versa.)
            • e.g. NOT We is in Latin class.
        • the verb in #3, festinaverunt, is plural, so the subject must be plural, agricolae
        • the verb in #7 is singular, so the subject must be singular, senex
      • Tense:
        • All of the verbs in Exercise B are perfect tense.
          • excitavit & festinaverunt both have the v in the stem (remember Darth Vader)
          • The endings also tell you the tense. Remember the song!

1st person
2nd person
3rd person

§  fecit, discessit, portaverunt all have perfect endings

·         Veni, Veni Emmanuel
·         O Abies
o   We will practice singing this again on Wednesday.

·         We watched a video about gladiators!
o   gladiatorial fights started as a ritual at funerals
Project Progress Check
  • Complete the “Student Self-Report” section of the Project Progress Check.
    • Use your project process materials, and the digital resources (instructions, timesheet, rubric, etc.)
  • When you have finished, place it in the basket.
    • I will call you over to discuss your project individually.
      • If I didn’t call on you today, make sure that you bring your project next class!
  • Complete your translation of “animal ferox” p. 113. (Stories)
  • Then, use the remaining time to work on your project.
Project Feedback Form
·         Use this form to get feedback from a parent, friend or teacher whom you trust to tell you the truth.
·         Your first draft WILL have errors or room for improvement.
·         You are NOT required to make all changes suggested.
o    But use common sense when deciding which to reject. (i.e. all spelling or grammar errors should definitely be fixed)

·         Portfolio Choices
·         Work on Project
·         Bring project materials to class on Wednesday

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