Friday, December 5, 2014

Iterum 12/5

  • ·         Roman Numerals notes:

o   Numerals:
§  I = 1
§  V = 5
§  X = 10
§  L = 50
§  C = 100
§  D = 500
§  M = 1000
·         When smaller numbers are on the right, add.
o   LXI= 50 + 10 + 1  = 61
·         When bigger numbers are on the right, subtract.
o   XL = 50 - 10 = 40
o   IV = 1 before 5 = 4
o   IX = 1 before 10 = 9

·         O Abies
·      We will do Latin caroling next Tuesday during Family Time.

·         If you missed caroling practice, you must:
o   Email me an apology letter explaining why you were absent, why you did not give prior notice of your absence, and how you plan to avoid making the same mistake in the future.
o   Record a video of yourself practicing the “O Abies” song.
§  Upload the video to youtube (you can make it private so that only people with the link can view it) & send me the link.
Nota Bene
  • Project due next class!
  • Bring your Process Materials with your project.
  • If you have a product, please bring it to the classroom before school on Tuesday (rather than taking it around to all of your classes).
Partner Swap
·         Agenda:
o   1. “Metella et Melissa” packet
o   2. Roman Numerals packet
o   3. Reflection
§  Reflection (answer one of the following):
·         How did the translation scoring rubric help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses in translating? How will you use this information to improve?
·         What was your favorite and/or least favorite thing about the partner swap? How can it be improved? How can you make the partner swap activity better for you?
·         What is the most challenging thing in Latin class right now? How will you rise to meet the challenge?

o   4. Work on Project
§  Anything on the agenda not finished by the end of class is homework

  • ·         Finish partner swap activities (“Metella et Melissa” packet, Roman numerals packet, reflection)
  • ·         PROJECT
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices

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