Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Iterum 12/3

  • ·         We watched a video about gladiators!

o   Gladiators were a valuable commodity and were frequently spared at the end of a fight.
·         O Abies
·         We will do Latin caroling next Tuesday during Family Time.
·         Practice with other Latin classes at lunch on Friday.
o    If you cannot make this, do NOT tell me now. Please email me (CC your parent) and include your legitimate reason.

Notes: Perfect Tense
·         When determining tense, remember that the ending in the most important part of a Latin word!

1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

·         The first perfect verbs you learned also had v in the stem.
·         Not all perfect verbs have v…
o    The most common perfect stems end in v, s, u, and x
§  e.g. clamavit, apparuit, dixit, discessit
§  mnemonic = VSUX
o    Many verbs also have a long ē in the stem
§  e.g. fēcit, vēnit
·         Your textbook provides the present and the perfect 3rd person singular forms in the vocabulary sections (checklists & glossary)
o    e.g. cēnat (present): cēnāvit (perfect)
o    prōcēdit: prōcessit
o    terret: terruit
o    intellegit: intellēxit
o    facit: fēcit

Romani Salientes Fabae
  • ·         stand up if the verb is perfect, stay seated if it is present or imperfect

o   Perfect verbs:
§  audīvit – v in stem
§  terruit – u in stem
§  cēpērunt – ē in stem, perfect ending -ērunt
§  parāvit – v in stem
§  coxit – x in stem
§  fēcit - ē in stem, perfect ending -it
§  discessit – s in stem, perfect ending –it
·         NB the present form of this verb is discēdit
§  vīdērunt – no stem marker, perfect ending -ērunt
Partner Swap
  • You have several activities to do today.
  • You will do your work with a partner.
    • Every 10 minutes a bell will ring and you will choose a new partner.
      • You should not repeat partners until you have partnered with each student.
      • If you have completed more than your new partner, do NOT give him/her the answers.
    • At any given time, there should be 4 pairs + project conference with Magistra.
      • I may swap out conferencers in the middle of the 10 min.
  • Partner Swap Agenda:
    • 1. Finish translating “Animal Ferox”
    • 2. “Animal Ferox” scoring
      • Use this rubric to check your translation of “Animal Ferox.”
      • Put a checkmark if your translation of the individual chunklet is correct = EXACTLY THE SAME as the translation in the rubric.
      • Put an x if it is incorrect. Anything that is not exactly the same is incorrect.
      • Make corrections on your translation as you grade.
o   3. Complete the “Metella et Melissa” packet.
o   4. Work on Project
  • ·         Check the Process Materials Instructions for information about revisions and final draft check.

  • ·         Complete “Animal Ferox” translation and scoring
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices
  • ·         Work on Project!

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