Thursday, November 20, 2014

Iterum 11/20

Pater Noster
  • ·         We completed the quiz today.

·         In your table group, write a literal translation of “animal ferox” p. 113

Gladiator Project
·         I am providing very specific instructions and processes for this project because I want you to be successful.
·         Of all skills you learn in school, being able to create professional and effective projects/presentations is one of the most valuable (“real world”=projects).

  • ·         I have created a google folder for you and shared it with you. In it, I have placed a copy of the project timesheet.

o   This is a Quiz Grade.
o   You will be working on this document throughout the project process (NOT backdating everything after your project is finished).
§  Google tracks your changes to keep you accountable.
·         The “Process Materials Instructions” document gives you detailed instructions for each part of the process, in case you are unsure.
·         Even if you feel like you know how to do research, brainstorming etc., follow the directions on this document carefully.
·         If you feel very strongly about a different method which you prefer, come talk to me. (Bring samples of your work in the preferred method.)

  • Due 12/9
  • Project Progress Check 12/1
  • You must bring whatever you have completed for your project to school on this day.
    • If you have a complicated project that is difficult to move, bring at least 5 photos (from different angles) of the project.

  • ·         GoogleForm – due 11/24
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices
  • ·         Work on Gladiator Project (and fill in your timesheet as you do)
  • ·         Have a happy Thanksgiving!

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