Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Iterum 11/4

·         In your table groups complete p. 101, Exercise B.

Prayer Before Class
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Nota Bene
·         Examen III Review due next class
·         Extra Test reviews: Thursday after school, Monday before school
·         Next Portfolio check 11/14

·         stem - the root or main part of a noun, verb, or other word to which endings are ended
o    e.g. the stem of vīlla is vīll-
§  add the endings, -a, -am, or -ae:
·         vīlla
·         vīllam
·         vīllae

Star Wars: “The Perfect Movie”: The Perfect Tense
·         A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away

·         Perfect Tense: simple past
·         A perfect verb is an action that was already completed.
o    “perfect” comes from the Latin word “perfectus” which means completed, perfected
o    When you’ve done 100% of your Portfolio, what is it?
§  Perfect!
·         Translate:
o    verbed
o    did verb
o    has/have verbed

1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

Perfect Tense
  • Another way (besides endings) to identify the perfect tense is by the last letter of the perfect stem.
    • Frequently the last letter of the perfect stem is v (like Vader):
      • latrav-
      • superav-
      • audiv-
      • spectav-

·         “Felix et Fur” p. 92
·         Follow along with me as I read the story.

·         Examen III Review

·         Work on Portfolio Choices

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