Friday, October 31, 2014

Iterum 10/31

  • CSCP activity (emailed at lunch)
    • Remember to show me your score when you’re done!

Prayer Before Class
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Nota Bene
·         Turn in your Portfolio before you leave today.

Imperfect sheep
  • ·         The imperfect sheep says “BA!”

o   The imperfect sheep helps us to remember the imperfect tense marker: -ba-
·         Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, imperfect!


  • Please turn to p. 90 - “Pugna”
    • What does the title tell you about this story?
      • What questions does it make you think about?
    • Follow along with me as I read the story aloud.
  • In your table groups, write a literal translation of lines 4-9 (starting with “subito agricola…”)
  • Let’s review the translations.
  • Follow along with me as I read “Felix” p. 91

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