Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Iterum 10/8

Prayer Before Class
  • ·         Pater Noster

Examen II
  • Please clear your desks of everything except a pen/pencil.
  • Put your cell phone in the red box.
    • You will get it back when all tests have been turned in.
  • Move to a new seat so that there are no more than 2 people per group.
  • When you are finished, put your test in the black basket.
    • NO TALKING until all tests have been turned in.
  • Turn to pp. 81-84 in your textbook.
    • Read the culture information to yourself
    • In your Omnibus Workbook, complete p. 37, Exercise 5.7.
In Theatro
  • ·         Let’s review the culture from workbook Exercise 5.7

  • Please turn to page 70.
  • Let’s go over the model sentences together.

  • ·         Portfolio Check next class!

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