Thursday, October 16, 2014

Iterum 10/16

·         Go to the link I emailed you yesterday and complete the online activity.
o    When you finish, choose “print.” You do NOT need to print, just show me the print preview page.
o    If your computer is not working, you may use your textbook - p. 79, Exercise A - and write it on a piece of loose-leaf paper which you will turn in.

Prayer Before Class
  • Pater Noster
    • I will call on a group to lead us in prayer.

·         Best Portfolio Check this quarter! - Avg. = 92 J
·        Please do not put your textbook in your Portfolio when you turn it in.
·         Jargon definitions should be copied exactly - including examples.
·        Follow directions!!!!  
o    In the second quarter, if you do not mark workbook pages I will not grade them.
·         Next check - 10/31
o    I have not posted choices yet, please work on vocabulary until choices are posted.

Examen II
·         Macte! - Avg. = 94
·        Jargon: declension vs. person
·        Charts:
o    What are the characteristic vowels of each declension?

1st Declension (a)
2nd Declension (u/o)
3rd Declension (e/i)
----- (Cap’n Crunch Berries)

o    Let’s review personal endings.
o    Mnemonic for personal endings: most

1st person
2nd person
3rd person

·        Reading Comprehension
o    Let’s review #5-7
·         Culture
o    How many public baths were in Pompeii?
§  4
§  Gave extra credit for this question.
·        Extra Credit:
o    labelling basilica

Vocabulary Game
·         You will receive vocabulary cards with just Latin on them.
·        You will have 2 minutes to make sure that you know the definitions of all the words. (Do not write them.)
·        When I show the picture(s) that represent the definition, be the first to raise the correct card to score a point. (Do not say the English word.)

·         Practice Vocabulary

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