Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Iterum 3/3

Iterum 3/3
·         Identify the conjugation of each of the following verbs:
1)      reveniō, revenīre, revēnī, reventus
a)      4th conjugation – because revenīre ends in -īre
2)      vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus
a)      1st conjugation – because vocāre ends in -āre
3)      rīdeō, rīdēre, rīsī, rīsus
a)      2nd conjugation – because rīdēre ends in -ēre
4)      accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus
a)      3rd io – because accipiō ends in –io and accipere ends in -ere
5)      taceō, tacēre, tacuī, tacitus
a)      2nd conjugation – because tacēre ends in -ēre
6)      legō, legere, lēgī, lectus
a)      3rd conjugation – because legere ends in –ere

Prayer Before Class
·         Fatima Prayer
o    Quiz on Monday, 3/9

·         Instructions/announcements:
o    You will be taking the NLE on Thursday during C block in room 207.
§  If there is a snow/ice day on Thursday, you will be taking the NLE on Friday during E block, still in room 207.
§  Since the NLE is taking place during C block, we will still be having a regular class meeting during D block.
o    You will have 45 minutes to enter your information (name, level of Latin, etc.) and take the test.
§  You must bubble your full, legal name (no nicknames) on the test.
o    You may not sit next to another student of your level.
§  There will be post-its with your name on your desk. Please sit in your assigned seat.
§  If you see that there is someone from Latin I sitting next to you, please let Mrs. Pojman know.
  • Let’s go over the NLE that you completed for homework.
    • Please take out a correcting pen.
  • I handed out another practice NLE test. This practice is optional.
·         Let’s review the Model Sentences & “Marcus et Quartus” cloze.
·         Problems/reminders:
o   Please be more responsible about completing all of your work. I gave you several reminders and extra time to complete your assignments from class on Wednesday. It is not acceptable that several people did not finish that work.
o   Apparently the “Marcus et Quartus” cloze worksheet did not print correctly and some of the story was missing. When this happens, you should contact me immediately so that I can help you with the issue. Another appropriate response would have been to translate the sections of the story that were missing in the cloze. Doing nothing to solve the problem is not an acceptable response.

Sulla Homework
·         Read the “Sulla” story on p. 185.
·         Complete thisworksheet with 14 comprehension questions.
·         Be prepared to turn this in at the beginning of class on Thursday.

·         Sulla story & questions
·         Portfolio Choices
·         Optional NLE practice test

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