Monday, March 23, 2015

Iterum 3/23

Iterum 3/23
  • p. 221, Exercise A
  • Work on your culture assignment:
    • read pp. 216-220 in your textbook and complete workbook Exercise 12.9 on p. 93.
    • Write the answers in the culture section of your Portfolio.
    • We will work more on this next class.
Prayer Before Class
·         Apostle’s Creed (Symbolum Apostolorum)
o    video 1
§  Church pronunciation
o    video 2
§  Classical pronunciation
o    watch/listen to these videos when practicing the prayer
Nota Bene
  • ·         Portfolio Check XI - 4/10

Latin Phrase of the Day 
·         Sic semper tyrannīs
·        “Thus always to tyrants”
o    tyrants are rulers who abuse their power/have too much power
§  tyrannus literally means king à tyrannosaurus rex (the king king of dinosaurs)
o    the “thus” would be death/assassination/execution
·        State motto of Virginia
·        Supposedly originally spoken by Brutus after the assassination of Julius Caesar (although that is disputed by the Roman historian Plutarch)
o    Julius Caesar was assassinated March 15th, 44 BC (the Ides of March) after having declared himself dictator for life
·        John Wilkes Booth said it when he assassinated Lincoln

  • ·         Take good notes from the video.

Model Sentences pp. 202-204
  • Turn to p. 202
    • The model sentences for Stage 12 actually have a title. What is it? Why?
  • ·         Portfolio Choices

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