Friday, October 31, 2014

Iterum 10/31

  • CSCP activity (emailed at lunch)
    • Remember to show me your score when you’re done!

Prayer Before Class
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Nota Bene
·         Turn in your Portfolio before you leave today.

Imperfect sheep
  • ·         The imperfect sheep says “BA!”

o   The imperfect sheep helps us to remember the imperfect tense marker: -ba-
·         Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, imperfect!


  • Please turn to p. 90 - “Pugna”
    • What does the title tell you about this story?
      • What questions does it make you think about?
    • Follow along with me as I read the story aloud.
  • In your table groups, write a literal translation of lines 4-9 (starting with “subito agricola…”)
  • Let’s review the translations.
  • Follow along with me as I read “Felix” p. 91

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Iterum 10/29

·         Audite/Dicite workbook exercise 5.6
Prayer Before Class
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Nota Bene
·         Portfolio Check next class!
o    Make sure you update your cover sheet.
o    Remember, I will not grade any choices that are not in the choices section of your portfolio or clearly marked in your workbook.
·         Examen III - Monday, 11/10
o    Examen III Review due 11/6
o    Extra Credit reviews:
§  Thursday, 11/6 3:15-4
§  Monday, 11/10 7:30-8:15
·         Tense – time or duration of the action
o    tempus = time

Latin Phrase of the Day
·         tempus fugit
o    usually mis-translated as “time flies”
o    actually “time flees” (like run away)
o    Fugit is the source of the English words fugitive and refugee.

  • Parsie the Vulture is a mnemonic to help you remember the important things you need to know about every verb you read:
    • Please = Person
    • Never = Number
    • Touch = Tense
      • In Latin: Placeas Noli Tangere

  • What English tenses do you know?
  • Latin has 6 tenses!
  • The verbs before Stage 6 are all present tense:
    • audit
    • pingis
    • ago
    • sedet
    • laudat
    • sum, es, est, sunt
·         The verbs in Stage 6 are past tense.
·         But they represent 2 different Latin past tenses.
·         Let’s look at the verbs on pp. 88-89.
o    Can you categorize/differentiate the verbs?
Column A
Column B

o    Can you theorize what the difference in meaning is?

·         imperfect tense – used to express an action when it is in the past and it is incomplete, repetitive, or habitual
o    E.g. When I was young, I used to injure my ankles rather frequently.
o    How can we express continued, past action in English?
§  Was/were verbing
§  Used to verb
§  Kept on verbing


·         Portfolio Check Next Class

Monday, October 27, 2014

Iterum 10/27


·         In the reflection section of your portfolio, answer one of the following questions (at least 1 paragraph):

o   What was the most important thing that you learned while doing the puppet show activity?

o   How did the puppet show activity help you to understand the story or learn Latin?
o   What will you do differently the next time that we have a similar activity?
o   Did you enjoy the puppet show activity? Why or why not? What can be done to improve the activity?

Prayer Before Class
  • Pater Noster
    • I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Warm-up: Vocabulary Check
 Singular vs. Plural
  • Please turn to p. 71.
    • What is the difference between the odd numbered and even numbered sentences?
      • singular vs. plural
    • What declension is puellae?
      • 1st declension
        • characteristic a
    • What declension is servi?
      • 2nd declension
        • not a characteristic ending BUT you know the singular is servus, with a u
    • What declension is mercatores?
      • 3rd declension
        • characteristic e

  • ·         Find a singular and plural example of each declension in the “Poppaea” story, p. 77, ll. 1-25).

Declension Practice

·         Model sentences starting on p. 88
o   “Cave canem” indeed! – scary dog

  • ·         Work on portfolio choices
  • ·         Practice vocabulary

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Iterum 10/23

Prayer Before Class
  • Pater Noster
    • I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

  • Please turn to p. 77 “Poppaea”
  • Discuss with your table groups.
    • Take notes in your Stories section as you do this.
    • Pay special attention to the characters: How are they feeling? What is their motivation?
  • ·         Prepare a puppet show with your team (team awesome or team fantastic).
  • ·         Work on portfolio choices
  • ·         Practice vocabulary

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Iterum 10/21

New Quarter Reflection
  • In your reflection section, answer 1 of the following (at least one paragraph)
    • What is the most important/interesting thing that you have learned so far in Latin? Why?
    • How have your goals for Latin class changed since the first day of school? Why?
    • What is the most important thing that you do/will do to be successful in Latin class?  Why?
o    What is the most challenging thing about Latin class right now?  How will you rise to meet the challenge?

Prayer Before Class
  • Pater Noster
    • Today was the last day for group-led prayer.
    • Next class I will start calling individuals to lead us in prayer.

Singular vs. Plural
  • Auditory comprehension practice:
    • Listen to the sentences that I will read aloud.
    • Write the letter of the corresponding picture that the sentence describes.
  • Put this in your stories section.
Vocabulary Game
  • ·         When I show the picture(s) that represent the definition, be the first to raise the correct card to score a point. (Do not say the English word.)

o    Try to map vocabulary to concepts, not English words.
  • We reviewd “Actores” p. 74
  • Please turn to p. 77 “Poppaea”
    • We read lines 1-15
  • Discuss with your table groups.
    • In your stories section, answer the following question (in a complete sentence):
      • Is Poppaea telling the truth in lines 14-15?

  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Iterum 10/16

·         Go to the link I emailed you yesterday and complete the online activity.
o    When you finish, choose “print.” You do NOT need to print, just show me the print preview page.
o    If your computer is not working, you may use your textbook - p. 79, Exercise A - and write it on a piece of loose-leaf paper which you will turn in.

Prayer Before Class
  • Pater Noster
    • I will call on a group to lead us in prayer.

·         Best Portfolio Check this quarter! - Avg. = 92 J
·        Please do not put your textbook in your Portfolio when you turn it in.
·         Jargon definitions should be copied exactly - including examples.
·        Follow directions!!!!  
o    In the second quarter, if you do not mark workbook pages I will not grade them.
·         Next check - 10/31
o    I have not posted choices yet, please work on vocabulary until choices are posted.

Examen II
·         Macte! - Avg. = 94
·        Jargon: declension vs. person
·        Charts:
o    What are the characteristic vowels of each declension?

1st Declension (a)
2nd Declension (u/o)
3rd Declension (e/i)
----- (Cap’n Crunch Berries)

o    Let’s review personal endings.
o    Mnemonic for personal endings: most

1st person
2nd person
3rd person

·        Reading Comprehension
o    Let’s review #5-7
·         Culture
o    How many public baths were in Pompeii?
§  4
§  Gave extra credit for this question.
·        Extra Credit:
o    labelling basilica

Vocabulary Game
·         You will receive vocabulary cards with just Latin on them.
·        You will have 2 minutes to make sure that you know the definitions of all the words. (Do not write them.)
·        When I show the picture(s) that represent the definition, be the first to raise the correct card to score a point. (Do not say the English word.)

·         Practice Vocabulary

Friday, October 10, 2014

Iterum 10/10

  • New seats
  • Go to the CSCP web activity for which I emailed you the link today.
    • Show me your results when you have finished.
Prayer Before Class
  • Pater Noster
    • I will call on a group to lead us in prayer.

  • Turn in your Portfolio at the end of class.
  • Next class is the last class of the quarter.
    • All missing/late work must be turned in by the end of the day, 10/16.
  • Please turn to page 74.
  • Complete this Cloze activity.
    • Put it in the Stories section of your portfolio.
  • You may work with your table groups.
  • Number – how many. Singular (one) or plural (more than one)
    • Endings will tell you if a word is singular or plural.
    • Subjects and verbs must always agree in number.
      • We are in Latin class.
      • NOT We is in Latin class.
Singular vs. Plural
  • What do you notice about the endings of plural verbs?
    • 3rd person plural verbs end in -nt.
      • (3rd person singular verbs end in -t)

Romanae Salientes Fabae
  • ·         Stand up if the verb is plural. Stay seated if the verb is singular.



Latin Phrase of the Day

  • ·         deus ex machine

o   literally, “god from a machine
o   Ancient Greek tragedies frequently ended with a god (or intervention from a god) being brought onto the stge by use of a machine - lowered by a crane or a rising platform through a trapdoor.
o   The god then quickly resolves the conflict so that the play can end.
§  Alcestis is saved from Death by Hercules so that she can be with her husband, Admetus. (Alcestis, Euripides)
o   Now, “deus ex machina” means a plot device to abruptly solve a seemingly unsolvable problem by introducing a new character, event, or object
o   Can you think of examples of deus ex machina in your favorite movies? Discuss with your table group.

  • ·         Vocabulary