Thursday, December 11, 2014

Iterum 12/11

Prepare for class
  • Grab a pair of sunglasses
    • You’re a Latin Rockstar!
      • Tense review warm-up: complete the CSCP website activity (emailed)

Prayer Before Class
  • ·         Ave Maria

Nota Bene
·         Portfolio Check on exam day, NOT today.
o    You need your portfolio to study!
·         Your exam is on Wednesday at 10:45-12:45.
o    Multiple choice (vocab, grammar, culture)
o    Free response (translation & reading comprehension)
o    Bring a #2 pencil

Jargon Review Game
·         Everyone starts with one flashcard with a jargon term on the front and a definition on the back
·       When the game starts, find a partner & quiz each other (hold your card so that he/she can only see the jargon term and ask him/her for the definition, then vice versa)
·        switch cards and find a new partner (you should have a different word than the one you started with)
·        Keep switching & quizzing each other.

Midterm Concepts
·         Review this list carefully to be sure that you are prepared for the midterm.
·        Questions???
·        Your old Exams, Quizzes, & Reviews are very valuable study materials.
o    I will take some questions directly from old tests.

·         Homework
o    Write 1 question for the review on Monday.
§  Your question may be a question that you have about something from the concept list which you would like reviewed more.
§  OR, you may write a question that could possibly be seen on the Midterm.
§  Include answer choices A, B, C, & D
§  Include key (the correct answer)

Cheat Sheet
·         You may have up to 10 jargon definitions
o    examples rather than definitions are unlimited
·        You may have up to 20 vocabulary words
o    derivatives are unlimited
·        You may have as many charts as you wish
·        The cheat sheet may not contain copied translations or questions & answers from any class materials (quiz review, handouts, textbooks, etc.)

Cursus Tabularum
·         Please separate into your groups for plays/puppet shows. (team awesome & team fantastic)
o   Team fantastic wins!

  • ·         Review:

o   Review question
o   Study Midterm concepts
o   prepare cheat sheet

Friday, December 5, 2014

Iterum 12/5

  • ·         Roman Numerals notes:

o   Numerals:
§  I = 1
§  V = 5
§  X = 10
§  L = 50
§  C = 100
§  D = 500
§  M = 1000
·         When smaller numbers are on the right, add.
o   LXI= 50 + 10 + 1  = 61
·         When bigger numbers are on the right, subtract.
o   XL = 50 - 10 = 40
o   IV = 1 before 5 = 4
o   IX = 1 before 10 = 9

·         O Abies
·      We will do Latin caroling next Tuesday during Family Time.

·         If you missed caroling practice, you must:
o   Email me an apology letter explaining why you were absent, why you did not give prior notice of your absence, and how you plan to avoid making the same mistake in the future.
o   Record a video of yourself practicing the “O Abies” song.
§  Upload the video to youtube (you can make it private so that only people with the link can view it) & send me the link.
Nota Bene
  • Project due next class!
  • Bring your Process Materials with your project.
  • If you have a product, please bring it to the classroom before school on Tuesday (rather than taking it around to all of your classes).
Partner Swap
·         Agenda:
o   1. “Metella et Melissa” packet
o   2. Roman Numerals packet
o   3. Reflection
§  Reflection (answer one of the following):
·         How did the translation scoring rubric help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses in translating? How will you use this information to improve?
·         What was your favorite and/or least favorite thing about the partner swap? How can it be improved? How can you make the partner swap activity better for you?
·         What is the most challenging thing in Latin class right now? How will you rise to meet the challenge?

o   4. Work on Project
§  Anything on the agenda not finished by the end of class is homework

  • ·         Finish partner swap activities (“Metella et Melissa” packet, Roman numerals packet, reflection)
  • ·         PROJECT
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Iterum 12/3

  • ·         We watched a video about gladiators!

o   Gladiators were a valuable commodity and were frequently spared at the end of a fight.
·         O Abies
·         We will do Latin caroling next Tuesday during Family Time.
·         Practice with other Latin classes at lunch on Friday.
o    If you cannot make this, do NOT tell me now. Please email me (CC your parent) and include your legitimate reason.

Notes: Perfect Tense
·         When determining tense, remember that the ending in the most important part of a Latin word!

1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

·         The first perfect verbs you learned also had v in the stem.
·         Not all perfect verbs have v…
o    The most common perfect stems end in v, s, u, and x
§  e.g. clamavit, apparuit, dixit, discessit
§  mnemonic = VSUX
o    Many verbs also have a long ē in the stem
§  e.g. fēcit, vēnit
·         Your textbook provides the present and the perfect 3rd person singular forms in the vocabulary sections (checklists & glossary)
o    e.g. cēnat (present): cēnāvit (perfect)
o    prōcēdit: prōcessit
o    terret: terruit
o    intellegit: intellēxit
o    facit: fēcit

Romani Salientes Fabae
  • ·         stand up if the verb is perfect, stay seated if it is present or imperfect

o   Perfect verbs:
§  audīvit – v in stem
§  terruit – u in stem
§  cēpērunt – ē in stem, perfect ending -ērunt
§  parāvit – v in stem
§  coxit – x in stem
§  fēcit - ē in stem, perfect ending -it
§  discessit – s in stem, perfect ending –it
·         NB the present form of this verb is discēdit
§  vīdērunt – no stem marker, perfect ending -ērunt
Partner Swap
  • You have several activities to do today.
  • You will do your work with a partner.
    • Every 10 minutes a bell will ring and you will choose a new partner.
      • You should not repeat partners until you have partnered with each student.
      • If you have completed more than your new partner, do NOT give him/her the answers.
    • At any given time, there should be 4 pairs + project conference with Magistra.
      • I may swap out conferencers in the middle of the 10 min.
  • Partner Swap Agenda:
    • 1. Finish translating “Animal Ferox”
    • 2. “Animal Ferox” scoring
      • Use this rubric to check your translation of “Animal Ferox.”
      • Put a checkmark if your translation of the individual chunklet is correct = EXACTLY THE SAME as the translation in the rubric.
      • Put an x if it is incorrect. Anything that is not exactly the same is incorrect.
      • Make corrections on your translation as you grade.
o   3. Complete the “Metella et Melissa” packet.
o   4. Work on Project
  • ·         Check the Process Materials Instructions for information about revisions and final draft check.

  • ·         Complete “Animal Ferox” translation and scoring
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices
  • ·         Work on Project!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Iterum 12/1

  • Textbook p. 112, Exercise B, ODDS only
    • Concepts we reviewed in the warm-up:
      • dominus vs. dominum
        • dominus is in the nominative case
          • the nominative case is used for the “doer” of the action (i.e. subject)
        • dominum is in the accusative case
          • the accusative case is used for the “receiver” of the action (i.e. direct object)
      • agricola vs. agricolae & senex vs. senēs
        • agricola & senex are both singular
        • agricolae & senēs are both plural
          • Subjects must agree with verbs in number. (If the verb is singular, the subject must be singular and vice versa.)
            • e.g. NOT We is in Latin class.
        • the verb in #3, festinaverunt, is plural, so the subject must be plural, agricolae
        • the verb in #7 is singular, so the subject must be singular, senex
      • Tense:
        • All of the verbs in Exercise B are perfect tense.
          • excitavit & festinaverunt both have the v in the stem (remember Darth Vader)
          • The endings also tell you the tense. Remember the song!

1st person
2nd person
3rd person

§  fecit, discessit, portaverunt all have perfect endings

·         Veni, Veni Emmanuel
·         O Abies
o   We will practice singing this again on Wednesday.

·         We watched a video about gladiators!
o   gladiatorial fights started as a ritual at funerals
Project Progress Check
  • Complete the “Student Self-Report” section of the Project Progress Check.
    • Use your project process materials, and the digital resources (instructions, timesheet, rubric, etc.)
  • When you have finished, place it in the basket.
    • I will call you over to discuss your project individually.
      • If I didn’t call on you today, make sure that you bring your project next class!
  • Complete your translation of “animal ferox” p. 113. (Stories)
  • Then, use the remaining time to work on your project.
Project Feedback Form
·         Use this form to get feedback from a parent, friend or teacher whom you trust to tell you the truth.
·         Your first draft WILL have errors or room for improvement.
·         You are NOT required to make all changes suggested.
o    But use common sense when deciding which to reject. (i.e. all spelling or grammar errors should definitely be fixed)

·         Portfolio Choices
·         Work on Project
·         Bring project materials to class on Wednesday