Friday, January 30, 2015

Iterum 1/30

  • Turn in your Examen review
    • If you did the review in google drive, please make sure that the document is in your Latin folder and turn in a piece of paper with your name stating that your review is online.
  • CSCP activity (emailed this afternoon)
Stories: “in taberna” pp. 149-150
  • Write a translation of this story (lines 6-23) in the stories section of your Portfolio.
    • Work with your table group.
  • I will call people into the hall to complete the “Glory Be” quiz.
    • Do NOT spend this time studying for your quiz. If I see you studying during translation time I will deduct 5 points from your quiz.
pronoun - a word that takes the place of a noun
·         e.g. Joe saw Jill and he waved at her.
o    he takes the place of Joe
o    her takes the place of Jill

personal pronoun - I, you, he, she, and it are personal pronouns
·         these pronouns take other forms depending on the number and case
o    i.e. we and me are also examples of personal pronouns (forms of the pronoun “I”)
·         see p. 149 for a limited list of personal pronouns

Notes: Dative case
  • the dative case form of ego (I) is mihi (to/for me)
    • e.g. frater mihi statuam ostendit.
    • My brother shows a statue to me.
  • the dative case form of (you) is tibi (to/for you)
    • e.g. pater tibi pecuniam dat.
    • Your father gives money to you.

Colloquium (conversation)
  • several important conversational Latin phrases have dative personal pronouns:
  • My name is = mihi nōmen est
  • Please = sī tibi placet
  • Thank you = tibi grātiās agō
  • May I go to the bathroom? = licetne mihi īre ad latrīnam?*
    • Now that you know this Latin phrase I will expect you to use it when you would like to go to the restroom.

·         Study for test
o   Check your review against the review KEY and email me if you have any questions
o   NB: I will not be on campus for last minute questions on Wednesday, so make sure that you email me with any questions.

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