Thursday, November 20, 2014

Iterum 11/20

Pater Noster
  • ·         We completed the quiz today.

·         In your table group, write a literal translation of “animal ferox” p. 113

Gladiator Project
·         I am providing very specific instructions and processes for this project because I want you to be successful.
·         Of all skills you learn in school, being able to create professional and effective projects/presentations is one of the most valuable (“real world”=projects).

  • ·         I have created a google folder for you and shared it with you. In it, I have placed a copy of the project timesheet.

o   This is a Quiz Grade.
o   You will be working on this document throughout the project process (NOT backdating everything after your project is finished).
§  Google tracks your changes to keep you accountable.
·         The “Process Materials Instructions” document gives you detailed instructions for each part of the process, in case you are unsure.
·         Even if you feel like you know how to do research, brainstorming etc., follow the directions on this document carefully.
·         If you feel very strongly about a different method which you prefer, come talk to me. (Bring samples of your work in the preferred method.)

  • Due 12/9
  • Project Progress Check 12/1
  • You must bring whatever you have completed for your project to school on this day.
    • If you have a complicated project that is difficult to move, bring at least 5 photos (from different angles) of the project.

  • ·         GoogleForm – due 11/24
  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices
  • ·         Work on Gladiator Project (and fill in your timesheet as you do)
  • ·         Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Iterum 11/14

  • ·         Complete p. 107, Exercise D.

o   NB the information in Exercises A-C
o   Personal endings on verbs tell you the subject of the verb:
§  -t = 3rd person singular = he
§  You do not need a noun to tell you who did the action
·         intravit = he entered
§  -nt = 3rd person plural = they
·         laudaverunt = they praised
o   Remember, subjects and verbs must always agree in number!
§  iuvenis poculum hausit
·         The young man drained the cup.
·         NOT The young men drained the cup.
·         both iuvenis and hausit are singular

Our Father
  • Pater Noster
    • I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.
    • Be careful with  the sign of the cross: In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti
  • Quiz next week!

Nota Bene
  • ·         Turn in your Portfolio before you leave class.

  • Complete this Cloze translation of “Post Cenam” on p. 110.
  • We went over it together

Legimus: “Decens” p. 108
  • ·         Follow along as I read this aloud.

·         In your Stories section, answer the following questions:
1.      How do the 3 stories “fabula mirabilis,” “Decens,” and “post cena” connect?
2.      Do you think that the stories that are told in “fabula mirabilis” and “Decens” are true? Why or why not?
3.      Do the people telling the stories believe them? How do you know?
4.      Do the people hearing the stories believe them? How do you know?

·         Study for Pater Noster quiz

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Iterum 11/12

  • Please turn to page 104.
  • Take turns in your group reading and translating the model sentences.
    • Write the translations for your sentences in the Stories section of your portfolio. (You should have written translations for 3 pictures.)
Our Father
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

·         Please turn to p. 106
·         Follow along with me as I read the story.
o    Harry Potter: Remus Lupin – Remus was a mythological founder of Rome who was raised by a wolf, lupus is the Latin word for wolf
·         Complete this Cloze translation of “Post Cenam” on p. 110.


·         Portfolio Check Next Class!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Iterum 11/10

Prayer Before Class
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Examen III
·         Turn to pp. 115-118 in your textbook.
o    Read the culture information to yourself
o    In your Omnibus Workbook, complete pp. 48-49, Exercises 7.7 & 7.8.
  • ·         We started the Model Sentences on page 104.


  • ·         Work on Portfolio Choices

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Iterum 11/4

·         In your table groups complete p. 101, Exercise B.

Prayer Before Class
·         Pater Noster
o    I will call on an individual to lead us in prayer.

Nota Bene
·         Examen III Review due next class
·         Extra Test reviews: Thursday after school, Monday before school
·         Next Portfolio check 11/14

·         stem - the root or main part of a noun, verb, or other word to which endings are ended
o    e.g. the stem of vīlla is vīll-
§  add the endings, -a, -am, or -ae:
·         vīlla
·         vīllam
·         vīllae

Star Wars: “The Perfect Movie”: The Perfect Tense
·         A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away

·         Perfect Tense: simple past
·         A perfect verb is an action that was already completed.
o    “perfect” comes from the Latin word “perfectus” which means completed, perfected
o    When you’ve done 100% of your Portfolio, what is it?
§  Perfect!
·         Translate:
o    verbed
o    did verb
o    has/have verbed

1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person

Perfect Tense
  • Another way (besides endings) to identify the perfect tense is by the last letter of the perfect stem.
    • Frequently the last letter of the perfect stem is v (like Vader):
      • latrav-
      • superav-
      • audiv-
      • spectav-

·         “Felix et Fur” p. 92
·         Follow along with me as I read the story.

·         Examen III Review

·         Work on Portfolio Choices