Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Iterum 5/12

Iterum 5/12
  • ·         Stage 13 Vocab check

Prayer Before Class
  • ·         Ave Maria

Nota Bene
  • ·         If you want to retake the Apostle’s Creed quiz, make an appointment before or after school today or Thursday.

  • We talked about the title page for Stage 14 (p. 27)
    • “Apud Salvius”
    • apud usually means ‘at the house of’
  • We read the Model Sentences on pp. 28-29
  • ·         We reviewed the culture questions from the kings packet.
  • ·         We also briefly discussed the beginning of the Roman republic

o   Lucius Iunius Brutus was one of the leaders of the revolution (friend of the family of Lucretia, the noble woman whom Tarquinius’ son had assaulted)
§  He became one of the 1st consuls in 509 BC
o   The republic replaced the king with 2 consuls (roughly equivalent to our president) of equal power who were elected annually
§  Prevent any one person from having too much power and becoming a tyrant (remember tyrant is essentially just the Greek word for king, one man with absolute power was distasteful to the ancient people who created democracy)
§  in times of crisis the 2 consuls were replaced with 1 dictator
·         1 man can make decisions faster than 2
·         meant to be a TEMPORARY position; 3-6 months
·         When Julius Caesar first became a Roman dictator it was a legitimate position during a legitimate crisis.
o   BUT he declared himself dictator for life – too much power!
  • “Rufilla” p. 30
    • Who is Rufilla? What do we know about her so far?
    • Why do you think that this story is named after her?
  • 2 Groups.
    • Each group will translate either Rufilla’s or Salvius’ dialogue.
  • Then, we will have a performance of the dialogue.

·         Portfolio Choices

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